”the Jumper” – Svalbard – Norway
During June/July I spent another three weeks cruising along the coasts of Svalbard.
The ice edge moved at almost 82 degrees North leaving just a a little bit of broken pack ice on the East Coast.
We crossed paths with this bear stalking a huge bearded seal. It was amazing to be able to witness the hunt (see time lapse on my facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/daisy.gilardini/videos/10155733518320677/ )
After failing to catch the seal, she immediately switched attention to our presence.
Jumping among the ice floes, she approached us for a better look, out of curiosity.
I’m always fascinated by the different behaviour of wild animal when in presence of humans. Some run away, some are curious, and some really don’t care. I love when they are curious.
(time lapse at https://www.facebook.com/daisy.gilardini/videos/10155737490805677/ )
More images of my recent trip to Svalbard